ТСО-ПЕРИМЕТР (Технические средства охраны периметра) 10.09.2024
НПЦ Омега-микродизайн
About Company

Scientific Manufacturing Centre (SMC) «Omega-microdesign»

      Scientific-Production Center "Omega-microdesign" works in the market technical means of protection since 1991. More than 15 years engaged in the development and manufacture of wired and radiovolnovyh detection, power supplies, distribution boxes. Enterprises constitute the backbone of technical specialists dedicated many years of research and development in the area perimeter detection.
     The main specialization SPC is the creation of electronic detectors to protect the perimeters. Our perimeter PIR series IMPULS and PRISMA repeatedly awarded diplomas and medals in international exhibitions and industry awards ZUBR, taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, RF Ministry of Defense, applied for the protection of important milestones in Russia and abroad.
SPC "Omega-microdesign" promotes the best in the market innovative solutions and unique products based on the most advanced technologies.
     In order to successfully work at the plant has modern equipment and apparatus, test site, as well as qualified specialists with extensive experience in this field.
     Particular attention SPC "Omega-microdesign" draws on the quality and reliability of security equipment produced. The company has the necessary licenses for production work, as well as certificates of product.
     Certificates and medals, which has rewarded our company, show appreciation for development by leading experts security industry. 
     Provodnovolnovye PIR series "Momentum" to control borders with the complex configuration designed and manufactured SPC "Omega-microdesign" since 1991, starting with "Impuls-1" before "Impuls-12TM (TPM)" and "Impuls-mini 1", issued today. Latest update provodnovolnovyh IMPULS detectors and radiovolnovyh PRISMA detectors are highly reliable detection, increased resistance to noise level and thunderstorms.

     When working with clients SPC "Omega-microdesign" pays great attention to support for installation and operating organizations. Organised by qualified free advice on the design, installation and start-up means to protect the perimeter. 
     The company is willing to cooperate with all persons and organizations that had expressed interest in our development, and producing equipment.

     On our site in sections SOLUTIONS WORKSHOP and provides information on installation and configuration detectors. 


Certificate of conformity
quality management system СТ/СМК ГОС RU № 08-00375


RUSSIA, 12, Gladkova str.

440600, Penza

Phone /Fax (+7) 8412-54-1268,




Россия, 440000, г. Пенза, Главпочтамт, а/я 3322 НПЦ «Омега-микродизайн»

E-Mail:info@tso-perimetr.ru    Тел: (8412) 54-12-68; Тел. в Москве (495) 764-18-26

 О предприятии

937345 менеджер Скворцова Ольга

23456764 начальник отдела маркетинга и рекламы Гаркин Олег

541202 технич. поддержка Андрианов Евгений, тел. (495) 764-18-26

Центр безопасности и
связи. Каталог оборудования, технические описания, поставщики, рейтинг
компаний, поисковая система Прайс-центр рынка
систем безопасности и связи. Все фирмы, товары, цены, прайс-листы Безопасность и
связь. Каталог фирм поставщиков, дилеров и дистрибьюторов оборудования Системы
безопасности и связи. Производители, брэнды, торговые марки и
поставщики оборудования ТехпорталРу: интернет-каталог систем безопасности Единый прайс-лист систем безопасности WISP. Безопасность. Информационный портал. Видеоплата.РУ: Форум по видеонаблюдению и системам